ERII Full Members

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The Espionage Research Institute International’s mission is to build a strong community for TSCM and Counterespionage Specialists through education, innovation, and professional relationships.

ERII Full Membership Consists Of:

  • Active TSCM Specialists having a minimum of three years current experience providing TSCM services.

All new candidates must be recommended for full membership by an ERII member in good standing.

ERII Code of Ethics:

WHEREAS, The prestige of the Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM) and Technical Security industries depends on the observance of high standards of ethics by its practitioners, and

WHEREAS, The failure of one practitioner to observe high ethical standards reflects on the other practitioners in the industry,

ERII Full Members have made a commitment to adhere to the ERII code of ethics.
Please note that ERII membership is granted to an individual only and not to the company they may work for. 


*Note: With exception to gov/mil members who have requested “anonymous membership status”, if you do not find their name listed here or on the ERII associate member page, then they are not a member of ERII.


ERII Full Member List

To View An ERII Member’s Profile Page, Please Click Their Last Name.

First NameLast NameEmailPhone
Francisco Aquino Lopezfaquinol@hotmail.com809 258-3777
MichaelAulettamike@usabugsweeps.com732 704-0264
Wilhelm 78 249 15086
RobertBoyesrobert.boyes@qccglobal.com44 77 036 06338
Michael JCanaanmike@tridentseattle.com253 852 7000
GeorgeCareygeorge@tscm-solutions.com530 713-9196
JulianClaxtonjulian@jaydeconsulting.com61 28 006 0635
MatthewCowanmatthewcowan@fb.com650 460 9513
DenisDe Carvalho 11 3392-3731
Robert "Jerry"DeFattajerry@defattapi.com318 426-0199 41 925 2839
Jason M.DibleyJason.dibley@qccglobal.com44 207 205 2100 41 009 2207
SabagEliyahues.tscm@gmail.com972 9 9562002
JeffEvertjeff@azpi.com48 03 145 050
DavidFalcodavefalco@fb.com650 665 1977
KevinFourtekev4te@gmail.com773 392 2901
Jack MFritzglobalcisp@gmail.com602 240 2240
JoseGarciajvg@gecomse.com91 75 97 411
MichaelGoodemichaelgoode07@gmail.com757 971 2133
BrandonGraybegray92@gmail.com510 506 3805
AmandaHincksAmanda.Hincks@Komcept.com07956 701937
Bart T.Jampensbart.t.jampens@unacis.com32 475 6633 55
JohnJohnsonjohndrk01@gmail.com757 719 9809
LaReintzJohnsonlareintzj@aol.com703 201 2074
PaulJoycePaul@Komcept.com07974 254122
ToddKellyTkelly@hawkpi.com770 760-0071
JarrettKolthoffjkolthoff@speartip.net636 532-5055
JosephLaSorsajml@lasorsa.com954 993 4440
NicholasLaurinNicholas.Laurin@cmegroup.com312 513 5758
J.D.LeaSurejdl@comsecllc.com757 716 7353
LisaLeasurelml@comsecllc.com800 615 0392
ArtLesserAlesser@meritsecurity.com650 366 0100
JohnLittlejohn@shearwatertscm.com44 19 08 639 712
DavidMajordavid.major@cicentre.com240 281-1627
MichaelMancusommanc75794@aol.com609 5777528
Thomas Marcuccitommarcucci@protonmail.com518 360 8756
JimmieMesisjim@usabugsweeps.com732 866 4110
JohnMinorjminor@johnbminor.net432 553 6666
AvivMormor00007@gmail.com972 50 8688169
AlexandreMourieramourier@etiss.fr33 66 311 7105
Westergaard E.Nielsentscmcorp@aol.com703 503 5547
PatrykOssowskikwbmail@protonmail.com48 504 241 687
CharlesPattersoncharles@execsecurity.com914 366 0291
FernandoRedondo Martinfernando.redondo@dgp.mir.es6 22 161317
KellyRiddlekelly@kelmarglobal.com210 342 0509
FrankRoseDexterMD@aol.com540 846 7939
AnuragSaxenainfo@av2group.net9 81 063 5360
ErikSchippersinfo@ericom.nl3 16 53 929628
PieterScholtzdengasch@gmail.com27 82 456 4076
Gyo AnSeungtscmgroup@gmail.com212 967 4030
MiltonShullmilton@bostonbugsweep.com781 589 8374
RickSienarick@investigativepartners.com860 944 9892
PatrickSpataforepxfiles@aol.com914 439 6455
ChristianSteger Schmidtcs@technoalarme.comN/A
MichaelTrautzMichael.Trautz@Phila.gov215 778 3877
Nikolay Tsaprevinfo@profisec.bg35 98 884 11124
ChristopherTurnboughchris.turnbough@tecxllc.com703 859 6114
Paul D.Turnerpdturner@pdtg.ca647 293 7384
AnthonyUpwardtupward@cognitionint.com44 77 4010 0635
JamesWilliamsjames.williams@qccglobal.com44 0 20 7205 2100
PeterWhitepmw@tscountermeasures.com614 08 443 507
Tracy PhilipWilsontracy.wilson@beaconred.ae971 56 13 444 04
AndrzejWolczanskitscm1@msn.com647 293 7384


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