All ERII members agree to abide by the following ERII Code of Ethics.
WHEREAS, The prestige of the Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM) and Technical Security industries depends on the observance of high standards of ethics by its practitioners, and
WHEREAS, The failure of one practitioner to observe high ethical standards reflects on the other practitioners in the industry,
IT IS RESOLVED that all members of ERII will abide by the following code of conduct and ethics.
I, as a member of ERII, in recognition of the need to develop and maintain high standards of ethics, under God, and competence in the practice of our profession do, as a condition of membership, hereby agree:
- To hold myself to the highest standards of ethical behavior in my person and professional practice;
- To accept responsibility for my decisions that effects a client’s security against espionage attacks and penetrations;
- To avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest whenever possible and to disclose them to affected parties when they do exist;
- To be honest in representing myself regarding the extent of my expertise and capability and that of my company;
- To be honest and realistic in stating claims or estimates based on available data;
- To reject bribery in all its forms;
- To improve my understanding of counterespionage methods, their appropriate application, and their potential consequences while making every possible effort to not instruct or otherwise aid others in espionage methods;
- To maintain and improve our technical competence as a group and to undertake technological tasks for others only if qualified by training or experience, or after full disclosure of pertinent limitations;
- To seek, accept, and offer honest criticism of professional C/E work, to acknowledge and correct errors, and to credit properly the contributions of others
- To treat fairly, all persons regardless of such factors as race, religion, gender, disability, age or national origin;
- To avoid injuring others, their property, reputation, or employment by false, malicious, or otherwise defamatory action;
- To assist colleagues and co-workers in their professional development and to support them in following this code of ethics;
- To understand, and to act in conformity with, the letter and spirit of all applicable local, state and federal laws when performing my duties;
- To view and handle as absolutely confidential all information concerning the affairs of my clients;
- That my membership in ERII will be forfeited upon conviction of any crime, felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude.
- That my membership in ERII may be forfeited by its Director upon notice of conduct unbecoming to ERII.
- That my membership in ERII may be forfeited by its Director for non payment of dues, or unauthorized use of ERII’s name or logo.
- Use of the ERII name and the appropriate official ERII member logo is permitted to MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING ONLY.
- ANY reference to your ERII Membership status on your website or in print shall be as an INDIVIDUAL and not as a corporation.
- ERII does not authorize the use of its name, logo or the official ERII member logo(s) in reference to a corporate membership. ERII does not offer a corporate membership.
- Members who violate this policy will be subject to membership forfeiture.
If you an ERII member, please login to the ERII member portal to retrieve the official member logos.