Held: 09/25 -27/2015, Dulles-Hyatt Herndon, VA; View the 2015 ERII Conference Program
The Espionage Research Institute International extends a sincere thank you to all conference attendees, sponsors, advertisers and speakers. The 2015 conference was our best conference to date. We could not have accomplished this goal without your support. Thank you!
ERII CCISM Certification Program Announced
Pictured is ERII’s Director, J.D. LeaSure, presenting information about ERII’s Certified Counterespionage Information Security Manager Certification (CCISM) program. With the CCISM certification program, ERII seeks to
1) Set a standard for minimum course work/knowledge of TSCM/Cyber TSCM professionals, and 2) Include both TSCM/Cyber TSCM to create a modernized approach to electronic eavesdropping detection.
ERII believes that CCISM program will clearly distinguish Cyber TSCM from cyber security, and bring awareness to the relevance of Cyber TSCM and gaps in cybersecurity programs.
ERII expects to begin offering the online portion of the CCISM certification program in November, 2017.
2015 Glenn H. Whidden Lifetime Achievement Award Presented
Pictured is ERII’s Director, J.D. LeaSure, presenting the 2015 Glenn H. Whidden Lifetime Achievement Award to Tim ‘dbugman’ Johnson. Mr. Johnson has been an active contributor to the TSCM field for 35 years. Congratulations Tim!
2015 Glenn H. Whidden Award for Excellence “Best Conference Presentation”
Congratulations to Paul D Turner, TSS TSI, of Professional Development TSCM Group Inc., recipient of the 2015 Glenn H. Whidden Award for Excellence “Best Conference Presentation” for his presentation “Signal Recognition and Analysis (SRA).”
Co-Winner 2015 ERII Glenn H. Whidden Award for Best New Equipment
Pictured is Lee Jones of Research Electronics International (REI) presenting “New TSCM Product Developments”. ERII attendees selected REI’s Orion 2.4 MHz handheld spectrum analyzer as the co-winner of the 2015 Espionage Research Institute International Glenn H. Whidden Award for Best New Equipment. Congratulatiions REI!
Co-Winner 2015 ERII Glenn H. Whidden Award for Best New Equipment
Pictured is Blair Jennings of Zermatt, LLC presenting “FLIR Infrared Camera Solutions for TSCM Applications.” ERII attendees selected FLIR Systems’ GF335 Broadband Handheld High-Sensitivity MWIR Cooled Camera as the co-winner of the 2015 Espionage Research Institute International Glenn H. Whidden Award for Best New Equipment. Congratulatiions to FLIR Systems!
2015 ERII Conference Keynote Speaker Award
Pictured is ERII’s Director presenting the 2015 ERII Conference Keynote Speaker Award to Mr. Bob Hunter following his keynote address about the John Walker espionage case.
2015 ERII Conference Co-Guest Speaker Awards
Pictured are Ira Winkler and Araceli Gomes, 2015 ERII Conference Co-Guest Speakers. Mr Winkler and Ms. Gomes presented “Sophisticated Attack Myth: Hiding Unsophisticated Security Programs.”
Special Presentations By:
David G. Major presented a “Global Terrorist Espionage and Cybersecurity Briefing.”
We extend a sincere thank you to all conference presentors. Your presentations in the field of counterintelligence, counterespionage and TSCM help to make our community more knowledgeable and better able to serve our customers. A complete list of all the 2015 ERII Conference presentations is available in the 2015 ERII Conference Program.
For those who wish to purchase a recording of the 2015 ERII Conference proceedings, please contact Westergaard Nielson at: TSCMCORP@AOL.COM Recordings of earlier ERII conference proceedings are also available upon request.
We look forward to seeing you at the 2016 ERII Counterespionage Conference!
J.D. LeaSure, Director
Espionage Research Institute International